Lewisham Deptford Labour For the many, not the few
7.30pm – 9pm @ Goldsmiths, Richard Hoggart Building, Room 141
With Vivek Kotecha from the Centre for Health and Public Interest, Brian Fischer, from the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign and the Reclaim Social Care Campaign and Heather Wakefield from the Women’s Budget Group
Labour’s promise to rebuild our NHS by boosting funding as well as various public and mental health initiatives is certainly encouraging, but is it enough to tackle the underlying problems resulting from years of privatisation, marketisation and deregulation?
The suggested readings for the week are:
Why the next Labour Manifesto must pledge to legislate to reinstate the NHS, by Allyson Pollock
Vivek’s Kotecha’s reports on the NHS
Women Budget Group’s report on the impact of local government cuts on women