Lewisham Deptford Labour For the many, not the few
Additional Privacy Statement
Lewisham Deptford CLP acts as a data processor for the Labour Party; their Privacy Policy is here. https://labour.org.uk/privacy-policy/ which describes the Labour Party’s privacy policy and how to understand and enforce your rights for data for which the Labour Party is the Data Controller.
In addition
- The CLP runs a small lottery. We record contributors and a proxy for their contributions so that prize money can be distributed, we hold this for compliance purposes and will delete these records when the compliance requirement is spent. This is stored on a secure cloud solution in the EU, countries deemed adequate by the EU or subject to the US Privacy Shield.
- Our forums & branches may hold contact lists consisting of personal id and contact data, our lawful purpose for holding this data is based on consent. This is stored on a secure cloud solution in the EU or countries deemed adequate by the EU or subject to the US Privacy Shield. This will be stored while current and deleted on request.
We will not sell this data. We will not share this data except where legally required to by law enforcement authorities.
All queries related to your data protection rights for the items specified in points 1 & 2 above, are best addressed to lewdeptlab@gmail.com